Software Testing

Hi and welcome back, it has been a while since the last time we discussed a topic about proces of software, the last time we talked about how to review our software, which could be somehting similar with this time topic, but we will see that they are different in their own way, we will also be able to learn the differente types of testings that we can do, as well as the different roles that need to be taken when software testing process is being worked.

First things first, before talking about software testing we ned to explain what testing is about, testing is a process in which people evauale the functionality of a software, with the purpose of trying to find wheter the specified software met the specified requierements or not, and in which trying to identify the weaknesses of the system before launching, releasing or distribute the system. To make sure that everythings works as expected before launching.

This is a picture of a sofware testing diagram – Tecnolgías de la Información

In other words testing can be represented as manuals in which automation testing, different methods and approaches are discussed.

There are two different types of software testing

  • Manual Testing
  • Automation Testing

Manual Testing is the process of testing software by knowing the capabilities of the system, checking wheter the system fails or works under which circumstances, and under which circumstances ir does not works, in this process all the features of the system are tested, to know how well does the system develops, and this process usually is based on specific test cases in which the purpose of those test cases are to know the system from head to toe

Automation Testing is the process of testing the software using an automation tool that its purpose is to find the defects. In this process testers are the ones one execute the test scripts and generate the test results, some of the tetsing tools for functional testings are QTP/UFT and Selenium.

This is a picture of the beginners manual of software testing – Medium

Testing methods

Static testing

Which is a topic that we have already discussed in the blog, this testing method is algo known as Verification, in which documents and files are checked to make sure that the system that we are making is the right one, verify the requirements and whether the product is going to met the starting requieremtns. Inspections, Reviews, Walkthrough

Dynamic Testing

This is another topic that we have already discuseed in the blog, and we saw, which is Validation, which is related to analyze that the product that they are making is the one who is going to solve the main problematic, to check that satifies what at the begining was set.

Testing approaches

White box

This type of testing checks the internal code structure of the system, the design patters and the models used to create the system

Black box

This type of testing checks the input and the output of the system, which is that the system works as expected

Grey box

This type of testing checks both white and black box methods of testing

This is a gif of a printer printing TEST over and over – Giphy

Testing Levels

  • Unit testing
  • Integration testing
  • system testing
  • acceptance testing

Unit testing- to check that the individual modules of the source code are working properly

Integration testing- to test the conectivity or data transfer of the system

System testing- checks the fully inetagrated system and its correct working process

Acceptance testing- to obtain customer sign’off so the system can be delivered

This is a gif of homer lossing against a rat in a testing lab – Giphy

Why is it needed

Software testing is needed because everyone of us at some point we started to make some testing, in our small proyects, homework deliverys and everything that was needed to be delivered, this because as developers we want to make sure that our system is rough enough to support every case and scenario out there, imagine delivering a game or an app and that when people uses it, bugs and glitches star to appear everywhere, as developers that does not seems good at others view, so thats why we need to know, how, when, and what is software testing, not only because of the other people, but because delivering a rough system is the reflect of making a good job, considering all weaknesses of the system.


Queen´s Gambit. At this point in time is really posible that you have already watched Queens Gambit, because it has been so amazing and spectacular since its relase, because this mini serie does a really good job by transporting you to the time when all the story happends, the feelings of the main character are represented in a way that makes you feel part of it, the dialog between characters and how the current of the story flows makes you feel like time is not running, you can be so attracted to it that will make you feel more adictive to it.

Queens Gambis is the story of Beth Harmon, youg girl who becomes orphan after a car accident, in its usuall and repetitive life she discovers a man whose attention was focused on something never seeing by Beth, an black and white squared divided board, in which every piece on the board moves in a certain way, Beth gets delighted by the misterious game that this old man was playing, she does not get the chance to play, but in his mind she replays every movemente than can be made in the game, so that she becomes a masterming of the popular game known as chess, little did the old man knew that Beth had the potential to become one of the strongest chess players in the world, but as every main character in the story, the way to become the worlds best chess player is not easy, Beth´s life has never been easy, and will not change,

This is a picture of our main character looking at a chess board – Giphy
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