Tools for V&V

We have finally reached to the end of our topics to discuss, at least for this semester, and because we have been talking about software related topics, this will not be the exception and this time we are going to discuss a topic that we have already covered in the past, but this time an in depth tools that you can use for this processes, the introduction to the topic you can check it in my previous posts here.

Tools for version control


At this time if you are really into software projects you must know abput the most famous tool that allowsyou to keep a great control version in your projects, a system of branches in which you can modify parts of the code withouth risking the main functionality of your projects and at the same time allows you to work as team becasue its great functionality, the tool that I am talking about is GIT.

Main characteristics of GIT

  • fast and cross platform
  • peer to peer
  • easy to track code chages
  • easy to control versions of the system
  • easy to learn command line
This is an image of the git logo – Medium

Concurrent Versions System (CVS)

CVS is one of the most popular version control systems out in the field, is an important component of Source Configuration Management, which is a tool that is electible amoung developers back in the 80s, this becuse CVS allows the users to record the history of source files and documents very easily.

Main characteristics

  • cross-platform support
  • powerful command line
  • allows parallel programing
  • cant check integrity of source code
  • not suggestable to work with long term branching softwares
This is an image of the CVS logo, which is a cute turtle – Wikipedia

Apache Subversion

Apache subversion is an open source control version tool based in a system of repositories which works similar to a fiching system. Was created as an alternative to CVS after fixing the bugs and cons of CVS, but maintaining the compatibility. This new system employs the concept of atomic operation which helps to prevent data corruption.

Main characters

  • Prevents data corruption
  • free versioned metadata
  • cheaper branch operations
  • better windows support compared to GIT
  • slower than git
This is an image of the Apache Subversion logo – Wikipedia

Tools for testing


Selenium is a testing framework that allows web application testing across browsers and platforms, such as: Windows, Mac and Linux, it is usefull because allows testers to srite tests in various programming languages such as: Java, PHP, C#, Python, and more.

This is an image of Selenium logo – Selenium

if you want to know a little more about Selenium click here


TW is a test automation tool which provides various testing solutions such as web testing, software testing, database , API, and mobile testing, which helps the users to keep control of maintenance, optimization, and automation and cross browser testing.

Most of the important features of TW are:

  • data-driven testing and distributed testing
  • Browster testing
  • SMTP integration
  • includes bug tracking tools
  • Version control system
This is an image of TW logo – TestingWhiz

If you want to know a little more click here.


TestComplete is a testing platform that offers various solutions for automating testing for desktop, and mobile apps, created by SmartBear Software.

TestComplete main characteristics:

  • GUI testing
  • Scripting language support
  • Test visualizer
  • Test recording and playback
This is an image of TestComplete – GlobalBusiness IT

If you want to know a little more click here.

Why to know about V&V

If you have been following my blogs this far then probably you already know why is it important to know about V&V, but at at first sight it may seem that V&V is a complicated process, and when developing a software there are so many models out there that helps the user to deliver, build, check, test, and give maintenance to a project that developing may seem a little to much of a work, the truth is that developing software is really a heavy task to do, but at the end of the day is a task that really rewards the user, not because you can deliver a well structre, documented, tested and well known software, but because the more little details that you add to the system the stronger that the system becomes, people usually say that there is no such thing as perfection, but the implementation of all this little proccedures gets too close to it.

An ending recomendation

I have already recommended you netflix series, movies, and videogames, and sometimes one or two books, and being honest I feel like I have nothing more to share with you, I think that I have already shared with you all the things that I really enjoy doing on my free time, and this time I am going to recommend you what I think is my favourite thing to do when in free time, and that will be…


This is a gif of pikachu sleeping – Gyfcat

Sleeping is one of the best things in life, and this is why:

  • Reduces risk of diseases
  • prevents accidents
  • improves memories
  • reduces anxiety and depression
  • sharpens thingking skills
  • strenghs the inmune system
  • controls weight
  • gives more energy
  • and helps to keep your heart healthy

Sleeping well is really good because it helps you in every single aspect of your life, and feels really good when doing it, as programmers we spent too much time facing againts the computer, which means that our body asks for a good rest every now and then, so sleeping is actually more crucial to us, and there is nothing better than a good rest at the end of a tyring day.

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